Gillian Hillerud is a jeweller practicing in the fine city of Calgary, Alberta whose work can be now be found on Box Social!
While many of her most graceful and delicate pieces start with the notion of line, space and balance, she then incorporates the important concepts of historical precedence, body adornment and personal story telling into each and every piece. Subtle are the messages, images, and feelings conveyed by her wide variety of works. All seem to touch a tangibly, intangible, but all at once "universal" sense of emotion we as humans share. Of her process and work Gillian comments, "Fabricating this work is about creativity through a sculptural object that acquires intimacy through its scale and relationship to the body."
Many pieces utilize the timeless material of sterling silver and then push its properties to their physical limits. Others are much more mixed media oriented and indeed scupltural in feeling as materials such as 14K gold, pearls, mylar, thread and even paper are worked into their amazingly dense beings.
Simply beautiful to look and at behold as objects unto themselves, the final test in any craft based art is to try it on for size. The ability to adorn, bring attention to and complement the most delicate of our body parts has been achieved most successfully by Gillian's works...well done and welcome to Box Social where such fantastic efforts deserve to be featured!
Please do follow the link to Gillian's work on our site:
More of her work can be also be founf through her own site: